Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why Ask a Vet Online?

As a new pet owner, you may have questions about basic care and feeding as well as about pet behavior. And even as an experienced pet caretaker, you may have questions about behaviors or symptoms you are seeing in your animal.

Regardless of the reason for your question, one of the best ways to get it answered is to ask a vet online.

The Why Behind Coming to Us

You should ask us online because you can trust you are getting correct information from a licensed professional. Sure internet information isn’t always reliable, but when you speak with a licensed vet at Web-DVM, you’ll know that the answers you are getting are based on education and experience rather than anecdote or hearsay.

You should also ask a vet questions online because it is convenient and affordable to do so. Taking your animal to the vet can be a major hassle and a big bill. Asking a simple question online from the comfort of your own home is a simpler and more affordable choice and a great way to get the information you are looking for.

So what are you waiting for? Click here and ask away!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When You Think Your Cat Has Health Problems

Cats can be subject to a variety of afflictions, ranging from mild ones like hairballs to serious ones like FIV. If you suspect your cat has a health problem, it is important to get expert advice from a licensed veterinarian to find out what the symptoms could potentially mean and what you can do for your feline friend.

When you think your cat has health problems, start by asking a veterinarian online for information and advice. By asking us on our website, you can provide the specifics of the symptoms that are making you suspect your cat is having issues- and you can do this without forcing your cat into a carrier and taking your cat on a traumatic trip to the vet. You can also get information that you can trust since our online vets are licensed and have the same education and knowledge as local vets do.

Looking for a Second Opinion?
Maybe you already took your cat to the vet but you aren’t sure about the diagnosis. Should you want a second opinion, simply shoot us a message explaining your cat’s symptoms and we can let you know our thoughts!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Choosing the Right Food for Your Dog

Since dogs really are man’s best friends, it’s crucial that they get the proper nutrition out of their food so they can get the most out of their lives and enjoy companionship with their human counterparts. That means you need to educate yourself on dog food. Here are a few things to consider as you get and prepare food for your dogs:

·         Supermarket pet food is often of low quality—It doesn’t take much research to see that most of the food you find in the supermarket is low grade. That’s not to say that all of it is, but you need to be careful. Just because the bag makes it look and sound nutritious doesn’t mean it actually is.

·         Dogs are omnivores—That means your pet food needs to be a healthy, balanced mixture of both meat and vegetables.

·         If you make it homemade, include the right supplements—There are plenty of great recipes for dog food online, but make sure your dog is getting all the right vitamins and minerals. You may need to add a supplement to your recipe.

For more questions, ask us today!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Be Wary of Discounted Pet Meds Found Online

We all love a good deal every now and then. After all, in this present day economy, who came blame us? That said, it’s only natural to look to trim the fat wherever you can and save a few dollars. And so it’s no wonder that discount pet meds found online are all the current rage.

However, we would advise you to be extremely cautious when purchasing these items online. That’s not to say that you can’t get high quality meds online, but you just need to make sure that you aren’t sacrificingthe quality in order to get a good deal.

Here are a few things to consider when looking for good deals on pet meds:

·         If the site doesn’t look and feel reputable, it probably isn’t.

·         If the price seems too good to be true, then it likely is.

·         We’ve partnered with reputable pet med dealers to bring you high quality meds at a discounted rate.

Take great care and you can get affordable pet medicine online…without sacrificing quality.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Where to Get Questions for Vets Answered

If you have questions for vets about your animal’s behavior, you have two choices. The first option is to go see your local veterinarian. However, sometimes this can prove inconvenient and expensive, especially if your question is simple or if you aren’t sure that there is anything wrong with your animal.
Your other option is to use the Internet. Sound easier?

When using the Internet to ask questions for vets, make sure you find a reputable site where licensed veterinarians offer answers that are specific to your needs. You cannot and should not trust random information posted on public forums or related sites when looking for details about your pet’s life or health, since this information may be inaccurate or may not be right for your animal’s breed, age and symptoms.

Checkout Our Site Today

If you are looking for a quality online website where you can ask questions for vets, Web DVM is the website you are looking for. Browse our site today and learn more about how you can ask a question of one of our skilled, licensed and caring veterinarians.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Learning About Cat Health

Whether you are a new cat owner or a seasoned feline lover, there are many issues to be aware of when it comes to cat health. These issues relate to both your cats physical and your cats mental needs. For example, cats need to have stimulation and activity, so playtime with your cat is always a wise choice to keep your cat fit and happy. Cats need regular vaccinations to protect them from disease; a healthy diet to keep their weight at a reasonable level; and a place to scratch to keep their claws in shape.

If your cat begins experiencing problems or behaving in an unusual fashion, then you may need more specific information.  After all, some afflictions are easy to deal with, such as a cat that is throwing up hairballs, while others can be more serious and require the attention of a veterinarian.

In order to get more information about cat health and to find out details about what is going on with your feline if he or she is behaving out of the ordinary, visit Web We provide free symptom guides and general information about cat health as well as the opportunity to have your specific questions answered by a licensed and caring veterinarian.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 Things to Know About Pet Nutrition

Eating right is important not just for people, but also for dogs and cats. If you are a pet owner, knowing about pet nutrition is very important to help your pet lead a long and healthy life. To get you started on the right path, here are 4 things to know about pet nutrition.

1)    Not all pet foods are created equal.  Pet food ingredients need to be listed on the label in order of weight, with the ingredients weighing the most listed first.  Be sure to find foods that list specific types of meat as the first ingredient. Chicken meal or meat and bone meal may be best because they are concentrated protein with most of the water weight removed.

2)    Some dogs and cats may have allergies to food.  If your pet seems especially itchy or is showing other signs of an allergic reaction, the food you are feeding may be the culprit. Consider switching to a different product to try to find a food that works better.

3)    Human food can be dangerous to pets. Cooked bones may splinter in your pet's stomach, for instance, perforating the intestines or causing other health problems.

4)    Pets can be overweight too. If your dog or cat is heavier than he or she should be, this can lead to a host of health problems and a shorter life. Diet foods are available for heftier animals, and you can also increase exercise or limit food intake.

These essential facts about pet nutrition should be kept in mind when choosing food for your dog or cat companion. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Everyone Needs Advice from Time to Time- Get Some for Free!

As a pet owner, you probably have a lot of questions about your pet's health. Even seasoned pet owners who have owned dogs and cats for a long time may need advice on a particular behavior or health issue. Fortunately, there are a few reliable places where you can get advice from an actual licensed vet- for free!  One great place is Web-DVM.

At Web-DVM, there are a vast number of articles and databases of information available for you to browse. You can get answers to many of the most common pet health questions just by looking at this information- at no cost to you. You can even make use a symptom checker that may help you to diagnose problems your pet is having.

If you do decide you want to ask a question of a vet about your specific situation, you have the option of naming the price you want to pay in order to your answer. Best of all, there is no risk to you for getting this advice since you do not have to pay anything if you aren't satisfied with the quality of the answer you receive.

So, don't hesitate to ask for advice about the health of your animal companion- the advice comes at no cost to you and can be very valuable indeed. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

2 Reasons Why You Should Educate Yourself on Your Pet's Breed

2 Reasons Why You Should Educate Yourself on Your Pet's Breed

When dogs or cats reproduce, often it is not just an accident. Instead, breeders have put together dogs or cats with specific characteristics or traits in order to breed a dog or cat that is most likely to have those traits. In the generations since men first began to have dogs and cats as domestic pets, this selective mating has produced distinct types of canines and felines, each with their own unique characteristics.

Educating yourself on your pets breed to learn more about the characteristics and traits associated with your pet is a smart move. You should do this for two reasons:

      1)     Educating yourself on your pet's breed will give you a clue as far as what health issues to look out for. There are certain breeds that are more susceptible to various types of canine illnesses than others. For example, snub nose dogs may have more respiratory problems while dogs with large chest cavities may be prone to bloat. By knowing what your dog or cat is at the greatest risk for, you can help to prevent problems.

      2)     Educating yourself about your pet's breed will help you to anticipate personality issues and understand behavior patterns. Beagles, for example, live life by their noses and are thus more likely to wander away if not leashed or kept in a securely fenced area since they will follow a scent anywhere.

To learn more about your pet's breed, visit the Web-DVM breedguide.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Use Our Symptom Checker

When your dog or cat is behaving abnormally, this can be a sign of a medical problem. Often, it is confusing to know what your dog or cat is trying to tell you and you may be unaware of what symptoms or behaviors are signs of a mild illness and what constitutes an emergency situation.

We realize that going to the vet every time your pet seems a little out-of-sorts or has a slight upset tummy can be a very expensive proposition, so instead you should consider using the Web-DVM symptom checker to learn more about the common symptoms of many canine and feline diseases.

Get Valuable Knowledge…at No Cost

Using a symptom checker to get information about some of the common signs and symptoms of illnesses your dog or cat may come down with will help you to be prepared if an emergency situation does arise so you can get your pet to the vet quickly. When you are aware of the symptoms associated with common pet illnesses, you can also be more watchful when something is wrong so you can act quickly and authoritatively. This could someday help you to make decisions that save your pets life.   

Note: you should always take your dog or cat to the vet when ill as there is no substitute for medical attention, but the symptom checker is a great way to learn exactly how to tell when your pet is ill so you'll know when to act.