Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why Ask a Vet Online?

As a new pet owner, you may have questions about basic care and feeding as well as about pet behavior. And even as an experienced pet caretaker, you may have questions about behaviors or symptoms you are seeing in your animal.

Regardless of the reason for your question, one of the best ways to get it answered is to ask a vet online.

The Why Behind Coming to Us

You should ask us online because you can trust you are getting correct information from a licensed professional. Sure internet information isn’t always reliable, but when you speak with a licensed vet at Web-DVM, you’ll know that the answers you are getting are based on education and experience rather than anecdote or hearsay.

You should also ask a vet questions online because it is convenient and affordable to do so. Taking your animal to the vet can be a major hassle and a big bill. Asking a simple question online from the comfort of your own home is a simpler and more affordable choice and a great way to get the information you are looking for.

So what are you waiting for? Click here and ask away!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When You Think Your Cat Has Health Problems

Cats can be subject to a variety of afflictions, ranging from mild ones like hairballs to serious ones like FIV. If you suspect your cat has a health problem, it is important to get expert advice from a licensed veterinarian to find out what the symptoms could potentially mean and what you can do for your feline friend.

When you think your cat has health problems, start by asking a veterinarian online for information and advice. By asking us on our website, you can provide the specifics of the symptoms that are making you suspect your cat is having issues- and you can do this without forcing your cat into a carrier and taking your cat on a traumatic trip to the vet. You can also get information that you can trust since our online vets are licensed and have the same education and knowledge as local vets do.

Looking for a Second Opinion?
Maybe you already took your cat to the vet but you aren’t sure about the diagnosis. Should you want a second opinion, simply shoot us a message explaining your cat’s symptoms and we can let you know our thoughts!